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Career Change - 24-05-2023 - - 0 comments
Are your career decisions influenced by your fears or your dreams?


Are you being guided by the fears in your mind or the dreams in your heart?

6 truths about career success for people who are contemplating a change or have unrealised dreams:


  1. When you can recognise and own your potential you unlock a unique ability to serve others.
  2. Failure is an illusion, trial and error are ingredients of success.
  3. When you learn to listen to and trust your intuition, it will guide you.
  4. Awareness is key, without it you're left with narrow choices and decisions made by default.
  5. The leap requires faith in yourself, you can and will cultivate confidence along the way.
  6. The journey doesn't start when you overcome the fears in your mind. It starts when you realise the fears are coming along for the ride and you step out anyway.


I know a thing or two about adventures and making dreams happen. I have the memories, photo albums, friends around the globe, and strange ornaments to prove it...

...but I caught myself a little off guard last week when the words "I'll be 41 this year” fell out of my mouth. I feel it’s important to add here, the number isn’t what bothered me, it was the thought “blimey, where did the last ten years go!” I took a moment, and the next thought was "WOW I've done a hell of a lot with my years".

I haven't always felt this positive about life. There was a time when I was at war in my mind and heart. It was a painful way to live for many years. I am grateful every single day that this is no longer my reality. Today I am proud of who I was, who I am, and who I'm becoming. I'm grateful for all the experiences and teachers along the way.


We all have unique personal and professional obstacles throughout our lives and the opportunity to overcome them.

I have successfully navigated 5 significant career changes. I took a stand for my values and true self the day I walked away from a 6-figure salary and my SE1 (central London) postcode because it wasn’t me anymore. I went travelling solo around the world in my 30s. I came back and created a successful business from scratch. Trial and error have become a way of life. I trust that I can navigate my way through choppy waters. That doesn't mean it's always easy, but it doesn't make it hard either. I'm living and loving it all, the highs, and the lows.


What if I told you there's a whole new life that starts at the end of your nose. It's right there, always there, can you see it?


I treasure my amazing, fun memories, and those of my clients too. I have guided 1000s of people to step up in their careers and into their dreams. We go on a journey together, to bring life, love, and career into true alignment. 

Po Bronson wrote a cool book called What Should I Do With My Life? It’s filled with short stories from everyday people like you and me who found their unique gifts and talent. One man went from being somewhat of a dropout to a millionaire selling a bit of kit he designed and sold to the sporting industry. The kicker and lesson ... the prototype had been under the bed collecting dust for years before he sold it!

I hear stories of untapped potential and hidden dreams everywhere. Dreams and desires tucked away in the dusty corners of people's lives. It’s interesting to me that these dreams often hang around for years. Why is that? If they don’t matter or you don’t care that much, why doesn’t the dream fade away?


Often people sense a new path or a new way, but they don’t believe it’s possible. Not for them. Not this day. Not at their age. Not for now and not for them.

One of my brilliant and talented clients spent the best part of a year (before we worked together) trying to convince me to make her dream happen. She had a great business idea and kept walking me through it, explaining why I should be doing it. It was a massive compliment because she saw me as the sort of person that ‘did that kind of thing’ so she was projecting her dream onto me. It was a fabulous dream but it wasn’t mine so I kept saying it's not for me, but how about we work together so you can do it? I will never forget the moment she realised what she was doing and reclaimed her dream #lovemywork

I understand this ‘dream rejection’ because I have done it myself in the past, but not anymore, there’s too much at stake!

If you are ready to find your path, I will be your guide too. As you create a life and career that you love, with self-awareness and intention.

I don’t want you to live inside the struggle and ignore your potential for impact, joy, and abundance a moment longer!


The path is alive, magical, and full of possibility. It has always been there and is still there waiting for you.


Your Next Read: 3 ways to increase confidence

Click here to continue reading, or explore the insights page here for topics of interest.


If you'd like to find out about 1-to-1 career change programmes, get in touch or click here to book a call. 


 If you enjoyed this blog, you'll love my newsletter where I share monthly insights and inspiration. Sign up HERE. 

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Career Change - 24-05-2023 - - 0 comments
Are your career decisions influenced by your fears or your dreams?


Are you being guided by the fears in your mind or the dreams in your heart?

6 truths about career success for people who are contemplating a change or have unrealised dreams:


  1. When you can recognise and own your potential you unlock a unique ability to serve others.
  2. Failure is an illusion, trial and error are ingredients of success.
  3. When you learn to listen to and trust your intuition, it will guide you.
  4. Awareness is key, without it you're left with narrow choices and decisions made by default.
  5. The leap requires faith in yourself, you can and will cultivate confidence along the way.
  6. The journey doesn't start when you overcome the fears in your mind. It starts when you realise the fears are coming along for the ride and you step out anyway.


I know a thing or two about adventures and making dreams happen. I have the memories, photo albums, friends around the globe, and strange ornaments to prove it...

...but I caught myself a little off guard last week when the words "I'll be 41 this year” fell out of my mouth. I feel it’s important to add here, the number isn’t what bothered me, it was the thought “blimey, where did the last ten years go!” I took a moment, and the next thought was "WOW I've done a hell of a lot with my years".

I haven't always felt this positive about life. There was a time when I was at war in my mind and heart. It was a painful way to live for many years. I am grateful every single day that this is no longer my reality. Today I am proud of who I was, who I am, and who I'm becoming. I'm grateful for all the experiences and teachers along the way.


We all have unique personal and professional obstacles throughout our lives and the opportunity to overcome them.

I have successfully navigated 5 significant career changes. I took a stand for my values and true self the day I walked away from a 6-figure salary and my SE1 (central London) postcode because it wasn’t me anymore. I went travelling solo around the world in my 30s. I came back and created a successful business from scratch. Trial and error have become a way of life. I trust that I can navigate my way through choppy waters. That doesn't mean it's always easy, but it doesn't make it hard either. I'm living and loving it all, the highs, and the lows.


What if I told you there's a whole new life that starts at the end of your nose. It's right there, always there, can you see it?


I treasure my amazing, fun memories, and those of my clients too. I have guided 1000s of people to step up in their careers and into their dreams. We go on a journey together, to bring life, love, and career into true alignment. 

Po Bronson wrote a cool book called What Should I Do With My Life? It’s filled with short stories from everyday people like you and me who found their unique gifts and talent. One man went from being somewhat of a dropout to a millionaire selling a bit of kit he designed and sold to the sporting industry. The kicker and lesson ... the prototype had been under the bed collecting dust for years before he sold it!

I hear stories of untapped potential and hidden dreams everywhere. Dreams and desires tucked away in the dusty corners of people's lives. It’s interesting to me that these dreams often hang around for years. Why is that? If they don’t matter or you don’t care that much, why doesn’t the dream fade away?


Often people sense a new path or a new way, but they don’t believe it’s possible. Not for them. Not this day. Not at their age. Not for now and not for them.

One of my brilliant and talented clients spent the best part of a year (before we worked together) trying to convince me to make her dream happen. She had a great business idea and kept walking me through it, explaining why I should be doing it. It was a massive compliment because she saw me as the sort of person that ‘did that kind of thing’ so she was projecting her dream onto me. It was a fabulous dream but it wasn’t mine so I kept saying it's not for me, but how about we work together so you can do it? I will never forget the moment she realised what she was doing and reclaimed her dream #lovemywork

I understand this ‘dream rejection’ because I have done it myself in the past, but not anymore, there’s too much at stake!

If you are ready to find your path, I will be your guide too. As you create a life and career that you love, with self-awareness and intention.

I don’t want you to live inside the struggle and ignore your potential for impact, joy, and abundance a moment longer!


The path is alive, magical, and full of possibility. It has always been there and is still there waiting for you.


Your Next Read: 3 ways to increase confidence

Click here to continue reading, or explore the insights page here for topics of interest.


If you'd like to find out about 1-to-1 career change programmes, get in touch or click here to book a call. 


 If you enjoyed this blog, you'll love my newsletter where I share monthly insights and inspiration. Sign up HERE. 

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